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Monday, March 11, 2013

A quick update and my thoughts on the next consoles

Hey everyone,

As you may have noticed, it's been a while since my last post. I've spent much of the past two weeks recuperating from an extremely minor surgery. Nothing too serious, but I'm stepping back into the blogging rotor today. I appreciate your patience, so let's jump back into games! Yeah!

No, really, I'm fine. Just... hungry.

What's happening in the gaming world right now?

There's a sort of grand, invisible wheel that's slowly marking the end of an era. The Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii were a sort of triumvirate binding us all together... at least, those of us who couldn't afford to buy/build a kickass gaming computer. The Wii U launched this past summer, seeking (and failing) to re-brand itself as a console for anyone other than casual gamers or small children. With the announcement of the PlayStation 4, and rumors of the next Xbox console, we're coming upon the dawn of the eighth generation of gaming consoles. It's a very exciting time, though my wallet might disagree if it could talk.

Right now, a lot of PlayStation 4 specifications have been released, such as its impressive processing power and the re-release of older PlayStation games for digital download. I want to touch on some of the disturbing rumors about the next Xbox, such as Internet connection-only functionality and a watermark that only lets discs work on the first console they play on, but these are just rumors. I can't debate Microsoft until they can take the duct tape off and unveil their console, but I can, and will, once that happens. 

Bring me up to speed. What did you talk about last time?

My last post was about the next Assassin's Creed game, and frankly, it's a post I regret. I stand by my assertions about art and how quality can become quashed by a desire for cash, but I got away from what was really important. We resonate with art because it feels intimate. It presents an experience we identify with on a very fundamental level. That is my concern with Assassin's Creed; how much is too much? When do we decide that enough of an experience is indeed enough and move on to another one? The series that ended on their high notes are still beloved; my favorite examples are the Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes comic series. I hope that I'm wrong about Black Flag and that it turns out to be awesome, but we'll see.

Are you actually going to write more reviews now?

Yes! Now that I'm fully recovered I'm back for more, and glad you're back too! Tomorrow I'll be posting my next review: Mass Effect, so definitely look out for that. Thanks so much for your patience and your readership. I'll be posting a new review every Tuesday, and either reviews or more of my thoughts on Fridays. Keep checking back for new material.

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