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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Xbox One Unveiled

By Ian Coppock

My first thought was "holy crap, that thing is gigantic."

Built upon a philosophy of simplicity and instant entertainment, the Xbox One was unveiled on May 21st at Microsoft's campus. Microsoft officials stated that the Xbox One will harmonize all entertainment, including video games, television and Internet.

The Xbox One uses powerful voice recognition technology to instantly log users into their accounts, and responds to commands for watching television and using the Internet, rather smoothly at that. The device can switch seamlessly between these media upon vocal command. Xbox One will feature Trending, which gives players a glance at what is popular. Apps, TV and movies will return to the console as well. The device will also feature Skype.

The Xbox One will also interact with the cloud and smart devices. It's powered by 8 gigs of RAM. and finally gave in to PlayStation by having a Blu-ray drive. So far they haven't mentioned anything game-related, so hopefully they'll get around to that.

I'll post more updates as the unveiling proceeds. No word on requiring an Internet connection in order to work, or on the watermarked discs rumor.

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